Education and Capacity Development

With education and capacity building forming the core of Bader's work, there are multiple strands to the Organization's substantive contribution to this part of our work strategy.These strands include its priority concern with basic education and its lead role in the country-wide, decade-long initiative of education for sustainable development. Also, work in such fields as promoting technical and vocational education, improving the quality of education, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by new information and communication technologies, and tailoring education and training to the special needs of particular groups within our society. We focus on Human Capacity Development which is the process by which individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, and societies develop their abilities – both individually and collectively – to set and achieve objectives, perform functions, solve problems and to develop the means and conditions required to enable this process. Education and capacity building shall contribute to a brighter future for Egypt based on a new generation that possess skills and knowledge that will be a capital asset for the country.