Seminars and Workshops

Bader Association is regularly organizing a series of seminars and workshops that deals with critical topics and issues in order to connect experts with the public and increase the engagement, knowledge and education of the community. In the past years, we have successfully organized several events in the following topics:

  • Overpopulation in Egypt, challenges and solutions

  • The problem of illiteracy and its impact on the community

  • Public health in the village community 

  • Protected areas and why they are important

  • Solid waste management in urban and rural areas

  • Climate change and its potential risks on our future

  • Handcrafts development and marketing

Public Awareness about Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer among women, impacting 2.1 million women each year, and also causes the greatest number of cancer-related deaths among women. In 2018, it is estimated that 627,000 women died from breast cancer – that is approximately 15% of all cancer deaths among women (WHO website). While breast cancer rates are higher among women in more developed regions, rates are increasing in nearly every region globally.

In order to improve breast cancer outcomes and survival, early detection is critical. There are two early detection strategies for breast cancer: early diagnosis and screening. Limited resource settings with weak health systems where the majority of women are diagnosed in late stages should prioritize early diagnosis programmes based on awareness of early signs and symptoms and prompt referral to diagnosis and treatment.

Bader Association implemented a series of seminars for women and young women with the aim of raising their awareness about breast cancer, which was implemented jointly with the Directorate of Health Affairs and the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Fayoum Governorate. Seminars were held at Fayoum Governorate Youth Center and the Kaabi Village. The meetings and seminars revolved around the methods of self-examination, the importance of early detection of the disease and how to deal with breast cancer.

Seminar about  Smoking: The Three-Link Chain of Addiction: Physical, Mental and Social

Smoking kills more people in Egypt each year than road crashes, alcohol, other drugs, suicide, murder, drowning and earthquakes – all put together! It is very important for our community to be aware of the negative impacts of our health plus its psychological and economic harms. Believing in the importance of the role of civil society organizations in protecting society from the dangers of addiction, Bader Association organized a series of seminars for young people with the aim of raising awareness about the dangers of smoking addiction. The seminars were implemented in collaboration with the Directorate of Youth and Sports and a number of youth centers in El-Fayoum during 2016.

The seminars focused on the following topics:

  • The Three-Link Chain of Addiction: Physical, Mental and Social

  • Health and psychological problems caused by smoking and drugs

  • The importance of rehabilitation programs and the return of those recovering from addiction to society

  • The impact of the media in raising society’s awareness of the dangers of smoking and fighting addiction

  • How to quit smoking?